3 August 2016

Day 7 (August 3)

Today we woke up very early (half an hour earlier!!!). But it was worth it, because we were about to head to the horsy place (funny). As we arrived at the stables we were taken back to the middeleages, as we had to catch floating rings with a mini lance. The suspense was almost too much as we waited to hear who had won the competition and what the amazing price would be. It was then revealed that the winning team dominated with one full point and that they were the lucky winner of a packet of salmiakki. Then we visited the Ypäjä horsy museum and afterwards we made personalized leather keychains. Finally we had lunch (so good) and then we headed to the arena. Here waited 5 horses ready to take us on the ride of our life, as the first 5 put on the stylish helmet and bravely walked to the horses, the others patiently waited for their turn. The emotions ran high as fear was noticeable on first timers faces, but we can happily report that everybody made it out in one piece and nobody was thrown off. Later in the evening, lot of us prepared typical foods of their country and it was surely the most exiting experience we were waiting for. It helped us getting to know better each others cultures that´s exactly what the camp is about. Now we are off to bed as we excitingly awaited the adventures of tomorrow.

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